Thursday, July 21, 2011

International Day of Peace-Pinwheels for Peace Meeting

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2:00 P.M. OCU LIBRARY, Second Floor
Click here for Peace TV:


Old Business: 
Follow-up International Day of Peace planning
-Mikel made the flyers and will be ready for distribution shortly. Joan, Mikel and Carmen will contact databases.
-Steve will make a video for promotional purposes.
-Next Meeting August 11, 2:00 p.m. OCU Library.

New Business: For planning committee consideration
ENO Schoos Program on line: Trees project. OCU already planted trees and Casady passed on the opportunity. 
May Peace Prevail Art Exhibit:  Waiting for the exhibit to see if paitings can be placed at festival location.

Minutes from Bill
July 26, 2011, Dulaney-Browne Library, Oklahoma City University, Planning for the International Day of Peace..."Pinwheels for Peace" -- September 21, 2011. In Attendance: Bill Bryant ... 405-760-5322, Carmen Clay ... 405-520-1325, Dee Freeland ... 917-455-7879, Gigi Hu ... 405-260-1833, Mikel Ibarra ... 405-924-6036, Joan Korenblit ... 405-359-0369, Jennifer Long ... 405-208-5078, Steve McLinn ... 405-844-0242, Devin Schroeder ... 405-604-7102, (Carmen's cousin-Chary Angulo de Alfaro was also in attendance, but she did not put her name on the Sign-In sheet).

Next meeting: Thursday, August 11th -- 2pm, Second Floor Conference Room, Dulaney-Browne Library, Oklahoma City University

It was noted that Joe Meinhart was AWOL today. No doubt he is doing something that will result in the betterment of the human condition.

After a round of self-introductions, there was a general discussion of the purpose of the International Day of Peace. It is a celebration that has many different dimensions and a slightly different meaning depending on one's perspective.

Mikel commented on the appeal of bringing the pinwheels to OCU.

Carmen reminded us about the competition for construction of giant pinwheels. She mentioned the "Peace One Day" website, and she encouraged everyone to visit it: She spoke passionately about the motivation of Pinwheels for Peace. Steve described his work with arts in the schools.

Mikel circulated draft flyers she prepared. She mentioned that a Facebook page has been created for our celebration of the International Day of Peace: "Pinwheels for Peace Oklahoma City Festival."

Regarding the giant pinwheels competition, Carmen said she is working with 3 architectural firms to provide contest guidelines. Jennifer mentioned that OCU may be able to provide some prizes for the contest.

There was a good discussion about food and drink. Jennifer reminded us that OCU has an exclusive contract with Sodexo for food service. And, being peaceful non-violent folks, we would not want to step on Sodexo's toes. However, if we need to bring in some incidental food with an ethnic or national flavor (or other special properties), then that would probably be OK.

I have "transportation" in my notes. I don't remember what this means. I think it might refer to school buses to transport students from their school sites to OCU. As I recall, there was a question about parking. Or, maybe it was something else. (I need to take better notes!).

There was a general discussion about the use of space within the Great Hall.

For Gigi's activities (origami, anime), the room will be set up with 7 tables with 6 chairs each. Jennifer took notes on the specifications.

At about 4 or 4:15pm, the space will be transformed into a spectacular venue for performances. This will involve the wrangling of tables and chairs. Jennifer has a special team of student workers who can be recruited to take care of this task. They are referred to by their job title, which is something with "dude" in the name. Is that right?

At 4:30pm, drumming will begin on the Quad. It will be dramatic and evocative and welcoming.

In the foyer, OCU will set up four 8-foot tables. These will be available for our co-sponsoring groups who may wish to have a display of informational materials -- nothing of a partisan political nature, and nothing having to do with the consumption of alcohol.

We'll invite the following groups to contribute to our budget and share the tables: Casady, Respect Diversity, Peace House, SGI-USA, the Buddha Mind Monastery, etc.

At 5pm, the performances will begin in the Great Hall.

(Mikel --> Steve: A list of groups who have performed in past years).

Right before the final dance, we will set aside some time to announce the winners of the Giant Pinwheels contest.

Then, the entire event will be moved out the doors, through the foyer, and onto the Quad. Audience and performers will stream outside (where the weather will be perfect).

The grand finale will take place on the Quad. A performance space will be pre-defined and designated in a creative way -- maybe with spray paint or pinwheels or a line-up of Miss America pageant winners from OCU.

My notes say Joan will perform a wild flash dance -- but I think this refers to a group dance rather than an individual performance. It will appear to be spontaneous (although in reality it will be carefully orchestrated).

Other topics of conversation were:

<> Press Releases. Rod Jones is the media guy at OCU, and we can count on him to push some publicity for our event.

<> Printing of flyers. OCU might be able to help with this. We also have some $ in our budget to cover the cost of printing some.

<> Carmen reminded us that the Japanese Ambassador will be in town on Friday, August 5th. He will be recognized in a special event at the State Capitol at 2pm. She has more info on this for anyone who might be interested in attending.

Oh, wait. There's more.
My notes say, "Where is parking?"

We will need to use our mass communication skills to direct participants to the best parking spots available -- that is, wherever OCU says. At a minimum, we'll use email and Facebook, etc.

Promotion. Steve has an innovative idea about using online video for outreach and promotion of the event. He volunteered to produce a short video -- a commercial of sorts, I suppose. We talked about a script and the submission of personal endorsements. Steve will edit them into an attention-grabbing spot that people will want to watch again & again!

(We'll collaborate on this video thing).
Carmen will promote the event through contacts she has with OFLTA.

At the end of the meeting, we walked over to the McDaniel Center. We surveyed the space again, visualizing the placement of tables, chairs, speakers, etc.

The meeting ended with a feeling of solidarity and satisfaction that we're doing something that Joe will be proud of.

Bill Bryant

405-622-2030 ... office

405-760-5322 ... mobie / text

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